Store Report data on Google Drive
The Reports service can easily make use of Google Drive for offsite data storage. This allows for historical reporting without increasing the data retention on the device, as well as more options for manipulation and sharing.
Google Drive Connector will need to be configured in order to sync with a Google account.
Integrate NGFW with Google Drive
Once this is complete, go to Apps > Reports > Data
If the Google Drive Connector has not been configured, a message will be displayed:
Clicking Configure Google Drive will bring you to the Google Drive Connector settings, found in Config > Administration > Google, to complete that portion of the configuration.
Once the Google Connector is configured you can enable automatic uploads of Reports data and/or CSV files to Google. Subdirectories on Google Drive can also be specified if required.
The Configuration Backup service can also use the same Google Drive integration:
Integrate NGFW With Google Drive
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