Installing OpenVPN on iOS using iTunes

If you are running version 11.x or higher of iOS and version or higher of iTunes, you will see that a few things have changed. This article details how to install OpenVPN using these versions.

On Your NG Firewall:

  1. Download the remote client configuration file via Apps > OpenVPN > the Server tab the Remote Clients tab:OVPN_-_download_client.png
  2. Select the single/inline .ovpn file:mceclip1.png

In iTunes:

Select the File Sharing menu option. Then select OpenVPN in the "Apps" list. Next, click Add to install the client file(s).1.pngClicking the image above will load it, full-size, in a new window.

On your iOS device:

Open the OpenVPN app. Select the green plus.
Clicking the image above will load it, full-size, in a new window.

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