Managing Tasks in ETM Dashboard


Centralized management through ETM Dashboard provides the admin the ability to push various configuration items to their appliances, directly from ETM Dashboard: backup configs, software-defined networks and VPN connections, application policies, and more. The Tasks feature enables the admin to view those pushes in one listing.



Viewing tasks

This view displays information about pushes initiated from ETM Dashboard.

Column Description
Date Updated The date and time the task was initiated.
Task A description of the task.
Status The current state of the task: queued, error, or completed.
Error Message If an error is encountered, the message will be displayed here.
Retry Count The number of times the task has automatically retried to complete.
Expiration Date The time at which ETM Dashboard will stop automatically retrying any failed tasks.
User Email Address The email address of the ETM Dashboard login which initiated the task.


Removing tasks

To remove a task from the list, select it and click the Remove Task button.

Any task in "queued" or "error" status will be cancelled, preventing any attempts to complete the push. Completed tasks are only removed from the listing.

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