How do I draw a network map?
Occasionally Untangle Support may ask for a network map to assist in troubleshooting or if you have questions about a new deployment. This is not to "put you off," but to help us better understand your network and Untangle's place within it. When drawing a network diagram, the vast majority of the time a logical network map is preferable to a physical map.
What's the difference? A physical diagram shows you the actual devices involved and the cables that connect them to each other. It should have information about which ports are used, what color the cables are, along with other such details. A logical diagram will show the types of devices and the subnets in the network, which may not necessarily match up with the physical devices in the network. It should be labeled with the IPs of the subnet and the IP of each device. If virtual technologies are used, it probably makes sense to note that they are virtual networks or devices, but they should be drawn the same as physical devices.
Once you decide which type of diagram you are making, stick with it. Don't try to mix and match drawing types. You need to really fight the temptation to put in too much information; especially information from the other network drawing type. For example, switches never belong in a logical network drawing. In place of the switch, draw one or more subnets. Conversely, IP numbering doesn't belong in a physical network drawing: it's usually best to label the connections with the port name.
If you follow these tips you'll have a clear map that will help you understand how your network is laid out and help you in future decisions regarding network setup and/or troubleshooting. Here is an example of a simple flat network to help you get a feel for how it should look:

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