Provide access to an internal server or device

If the server is using DHCP, it should be assigned a static address or a static DHCP lease. If the server's IP address changes, external access to that server will fail!

First, determine the ports required to access services on your server. For example, on a Web server you would typically use 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS). For email, you may use 25/465 (SMTP), 110 (POP3) or 143/993 (IMAP).

Next, head to Config > Network > Port Forward Rules and click Add to start creating your rule. Some basic port forwards can be accomplished with Simple mode. For example, if you have a web server with the IP address, you could use this rule:



For more control over your conditions, click Switch to Advanced in the bottom left-hand corner of that menu.



Enable Port Forward Rule Turns the rule on and off. When disabled, this rule will not be evaluated on any inbound traffic.
Description You can enter anything you like in this field. It is there so you know what the rule is designed to do.
New Destination This is the internal IP address of the device you want this traffic sent to.
New Port Optional. You can specify a port other than the one the traffic arrived on, if desired. If the traffic should be sent to the same port on the internal device, leave this field blank.


You'll see some conditions have been pre-selected. You can delete any you don't need by clicking the red minus icon at the right-hand side. Some of the common conditions used in Port Forward Rules:

Condition Value Notes
Destined Local true/false Required. This indicates that traffic is destined for a device inside the network.
Protocol select from list To select all/any, remove this condition. It's only necessary if you want to restrict the port forward to certain protocols.
Destination Port integer The port the traffic arrives on. This is the port(s) to be forwarded.
Destination Address IP address Useful if you have multiple WANs and do not want the rule to trigger for all WANs.
Source Address IP address Useful to specify a sender IP address(es) that is allowed to use the Port Forward. Any traffic not originating from this IP will be blocked.


More detailed information on Port Forward Rules can be found in our official documentation: Port Forward Rules.

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