Creating a bootable USB installer for Edge Threat Management products


You can install NG Firewall onto your own appliance using a USB thumb drive as the installation media. This article describes how to create the USB installer using Microsoft Windows and macOS based systems.

To get started, you'll need to download the software appliance image called an ISO from ETM Dashboard.

Creating the installer

For Windows users: 

We recommend using Rufus to create your bootable drive. Download it here:

Using Rufus to create a bootable drive:

  1. In the Rufus application, select your USB drive in the Device menu.
  2. In Boot selection, click SELECT to choose the NG Firewall ISO file.
  3. Verify that the File System option is set to FAT32.
  4. Set the Partition scheme to MBR.
  5. Set the Target system to BIOS or UEFI.
  6. Click START to write the image to the drive.
  7. Rufus may prompt you to include updated syslinux information in the ISO. If you receive this prompt, choose "yes".

Note: This will erase all data on the selected USB device.


For macOS users:

Option 1 - BalenaEtcher

The easiest option for flashing a USB drive uses BalenaEtcher software.

Option 2 - Command line utility (dd)

Alternatively, you can use the dd utility built into the operating system.

As a first step, you need to identify the system device label of your USB drive.

To identify the USB device label:

  1. Open Disk Utility.
  2. Select your USB device in the list of External devices.
  3. Locate the device label. In the example below, the label is disk2s1. Therefore, the parent disk on the system is "disk2". You can confirm this by clicking the Info button in the top right corner and reviewing the "Parent disk" property.


Unmount the disk to make it available for writing the image.


Once you know the parent device label and the disk is unmounted, you can write the Untangle ISO file to the USB disk.

To write the image file to the USB disk:

  1. Open the Terminal utility.
  2. Enter the following command, which uses the dd utility to write the file to the USB disk:
    sudo dd if=%path_to_ISO% of=%path_to_USB_disk%
  3. For example, if your USB disk label is "disk2" the command may look like this:
    sudo dd if=/Downloads/ngfw-untangle-16.2.0.iso of=/dev/disk2

Tip: You can drag the ISO file into the terminal window to add the path to the file. In terminal, start by typing "dd if=" then drag the file into the terminal to complete the full path the file.


Installing NG Firewall

After you finish preparing the USB installation media you are ready to install the software appliance. For installation steps refer to NG Firewall Installation in the Edge Threat Management Wiki.

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