Viewing Reports in Micro Edge


Micro Edge's reports provide in-depth details about the traffic passing through it as well as the actions Micro Edge took with that traffic.

Some Reports display a pre-selected "default" selection of columns, intended to provide the most immediate or relevant information. However, there are often more columns which you can add as necessary: just hover over any given column header to reveal the three vertical lines icon (or "hamburger menu"). Click that icon to open the Report configuration menu, then hover over the Columns item to reveal the additional options.




Reports in this category deal with bandwidth usage over time and are broken down into three views:


Bandwidth usage on a per-host (i.e., per IP address or per device) basis. 

This report can help to determine if a particular device is generating an unusual amount of traffic, perhaps to determine if it is misconfigured or has been infected with malware.

Server Ports

Destination ports which have received the most bandwidth-intensive usage.

This report can help you determine if a particular port or service is using a large amount of bandwidth. For example, in most environments, HTTPS traffic (server port 443) will be near the top of the list.


Application signatures using the most bandwidth.

This report is helpful when you need to determine if a particular application is using a large amount of bandwidth. This report uses the 'matched' condition, rather than 'inferred': application signatures are only recorded when Micro Edge is certain it has identified the application correctly.

Each Report shows a small selection of data by default, but you can click Show more under the bottom right-hand pane to expand the list to show the entire network.

WAN Performance

Reports in this section detail the usage & performance of any WAN interfaces. Each category is split up by WAN interfaces, if you have more than one. You can click on the name of any WAN under the chart to hide that WAN from the display.

Usage Average throughput for the WAN.
Packet Loss Packets lost in transmission.

Average latency (or "lag") of the WAN.

Lower numbers are preferable, indicating a lower travel time between nodes.


Variability in latency. For example, if the latency is between 10-30 ms for a given period, the jitter is 20 ms.

Lower numbers are preferable, as they indicate a more stable connection.


Where Micro Edge's Sessions viewer provides a live "snapshot" of traffic at that moment, this Report provides a historical view of sessions processed through Micro Edge.

Sessions Contains all the information Micro Edge has concerning each session: source and destination IPs & ports, interfaces used, DNS resolution results for web traffic, &c.
WAN Routing

Contains details about which WAN was used for the session, according to which WAN Rule & WAN Policy.

Useful for determining whether traffic is being routed through the appropriate WAN(s).


Threat Prevention

These Reports provide details about sessions blocked by Threat Prevention for exceeding the reputation threshold.

Blocked Summary Counts connections blocked to particular IP addresses.
Blocked Addresses Details about any session blocked by Threat Prevention: the IP address the session originated from; the IP it was destined to; and Trustworthiness Score of the session (i.e., the reason the session was blocked).



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