Managing Static Routes in Micro Edge


If there are subnets in your network which are not defined in Micro Edge, you will need to create static routes so Micro Edge can route traffic to those subnets & devices via a local gateway.

These settings are configured in Settings > Routing > Static Routes.

Creating a Static Route

Click Add Static Route to begin. 

Adding Static Routes

Each static route has the following attributes.

Enabled Toggles the route on or off.
Description A name for the route, so you can identify it at a glance.
Network The destination subnet.
Prefix/Netmask The subnet mask for the destination subnet.
Next Hop The IP address of the device which can route traffic to that subnet.
Interface The interface traffic should be routed on. Note that only local (non-WAN) interfaces are available.


Deleting Routes

To delete a static route, click the "trash can" icon at the far right-hand side of the route. Exercise caution, as routes will be deleted without prompting for confirmation.

Export Routes

You can use the Export CSV button to download a comma-separated file listing all current static routes on this Micro Edge device.

Export CSV Button

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