Managing Geo-IP blocking in Micro Edge


Geo-IP Filter (also known as geo-blocking) allows administrators to filter traffic by country, and can block traffic to or from a geographic location. Specific networks or server IPs can be allowed if needed. This security feature provides an additional layer of security and control for network administrators.

Important note: enabling Geo-IP Filter in Micro Edge requires an active Security Edition subscription.


Geo-IP Filter Enabled turns this feature on and off.

Log Blocked Sessions determines whether sessions blocked by Geo-IP Filter will be recorded in Reports. If this option is disabled, no Reports will be kept when Geo-IP Filter blocks traffic. 

Blocking countries

In the Select countries to be blocked list on the left-hand side, place a check mark next to at least one country to block. When you've selected all countries to be blocked, click Block Selected to add your selection(s) to the 'Blocked Countries' list at the right-hand side.


You can use the All option to select all countries in the list, but you must choose at least one country to allow before you can save your selection.

The Invert option will invert the state of each country selection: deselecting all countries which are currently selected and selecting all which are not currently selected. This is useful if you'd like to choose at least one country to allow and block the remainder: simply make your choices, then click Invert.

The Clear option unchecks all countries.

Unblocking countries

You can unblock countries via the Blocked countries listing on the right-hand side of the page. Check the country or countries to be unblocked, then click Unblock Selected to remove them from the list.


You can use the All option to select all countries in the list.

The Invert option will invert the state of each country selection: deselecting all countries which are currently selected and selecting all which are not currently selected. This is useful if you'd like to choose at least one country to unblock and leave the remainder blocked: simply make your choices, then click Invert.

The Clear option unchecks all countries.

Passing networks

The Pass Networks tab enables you to specify certain IP addresses or subnets which will not be subject to Geo-IP Filter, regardless of their geographical location.

This feature can be useful if you know a certain IP, server, or service is located in a country which is blocked, but that IP must be accessible.


Geo-IP Lookup

This tool enables you to determine the Geo-IP location of a particular IP address.

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